Gente Jupsin

How do you perceive social rights in Europe?

The Commission has launched the #MySocialRights contest, a photo competition for young people between the ages of 18 and 30 living in the EU and willing to express their view about their social rights and reflect on pressing social issues.

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#MySocialRights photo competition

Young people living in the EU are invited to submit up to three photos describing what #SocialRights mean to them and get the chance to attend the European Youth Event and win two interrail tickets.

#MySocialRights contest is a photo competition for young people willing to express their view about their social rights and reflect on pressing social issue

The Commission has launched the #MySocialRights contest, a photo competition for young people between the ages of 18 and 30 living in the EU and willing to express their view about their social rights and reflect on pressing social issues.

«How I perceive social rights in Europe»

The topic of the competition is «How I perceive social rights in Europe». Participants can get inspiration from the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights (by picking one or more principles) and start snapping!

social rights, young people, EU, Europe,, photo

The three main winners are going to have the chance to attend the European Youth Event in Strasbourg on the 1-2 June 2018 where they will have the possibility to meet young people from all over Europe.

The main prize for the winners is an Interrail ticket for two people to discover Europe

Interrail ticket for two people

The main prize for the winners is an Interrail ticket for two people to discover Europe. The 15 best photos will be displayed at the Commission’s exhibition at the European Youth Event 2018. There are also 30 small prizes and 12 medium prizes.

Entries must be original and be submitted via Woobox.

The competition takes place until 1 May 2018 midnight CET and winners will be announced shortly after. es el portal profesional exclusivo de que te ofrece información para decidir sobre salud e igualdad y que dice NO a cualquier forma de acoso, abuso, agresión, violencia o discriminación.

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Gente Jupsin