
Europe: social rights and the debate on the future

Since the start of its mandate, the Juncker Commission has placed social priorities at the core of its action and at the heart of the debate on the future of Europe. The concrete initiatives to put the 20 principles  of the European Pillar of Social Rights into practice can improve the social situation of millions of Europeans significantly.

Europe: Progress on social initiatives of the Juncker Commission

Since the start of its mandate, the Juncker Commission has placed social priorities at the core of its action and at the heart of the debate on the future of Europe.

The concrete initiatives to put the 20 principles  of the European Pillar of Social Rights into practice can improve the social situation of millions of Europeans significantly.

Major steps forward have been taken in the EU’s legislative procedure recently in the following fields:

The final text of the Carcinogens Directive was adopted in the European Parliament on 11 December 2018.

For more information see the latest status (as of 6 December 2018) of all initiatives under the Juncker Commission in the field of employment and social affairs. es el portal profesional exclusivo de que te ofrece información para decidir sobre salud e igualdad y que dice NO a cualquier forma de acoso, abuso, agresión, violencia o discriminación.

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