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Employment and Social Innovation

The Commission published a report with examples of 7 projects and 10 organisations supported by the Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) in 2014-2017. The aims of the presented projects ranged from supporting reforms of national social protection systems and enhancing administrative cooperation on posting of workers to raising awareness on how young people can benefit from the Youth Guarantee.

The Commission published a report with examples of 7 projects and 10 organisations supported by the Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) in 2014-2017.

The aims of the presented projects ranged from supporting reforms of national social protection systems and enhancing administrative cooperation on posting of workers to raising awareness on how young people can benefit from the Youth Guarantee.

The report can serve as guidance for public, private and civil society actors wishing to apply for EU funding, and provide policy-makers with innovative ideas to design

The promotion of social inclusion

Another main part of this report presents EaSI-supported activities implemented in 2016 by 10 major EU-level NGOs active in the promotion of social inclusion, poverty reduction and access to finance. The presented organisations aimed to support

The report can serve as guidance for public, private and civil society actors wishing to apply for EU funding, and provide policy-makers with innovative ideas to design.

It also includes a description of the methodology that was applied to collect information on the presented actions and to analyse results.

conRderuido, ruido, contaminación acústica

Improving working conditions

The EaSI programme is a financing instrument at EU level to promote a high level of quality and sustainable employment, guaranteeing adequate and decent social protection, combating social exclusion and poverty and improving working conditions.

EaSI is managed directly by the European Commission. It brings together three EU programmes managed separately between 2007 and 2013: PROGRESSEURES and Progress Microfinance.

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