
European Union labour mobility: 50 years of free movement of workers

The Commission launched a campaign celebrating several big milestones of the European integration, as the year 2018 marks the 60th anniversary of EU rules on the coordination of social security systems, and the 50th anniversary of the founding regulations on freedom of movement for workers.

The Commission launched a campaign celebrating several big milestones of the European integration, as the year 2018 marks the 60th anniversary of EU rules on the coordination of social security systems, and the 50th anniversary of the founding regulations on freedom of movement for workers.

On the occasion of the campaign launch, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen, said:
«Free movement is more than a fundamental right established in the EU Treaties. It is a living reality, enjoyed by millions»
«Free movement is more than a fundamental right established in the EU Treaties. It is a living reality, enjoyed by millions. This free movement could not be established in one go. It required legislation to make it concrete. And right from the outset it had to be accompanied with appropriate safeguards. Today, we commemorate the first and crucial legislative steps, while continuing to improve the rules. Indeed, we still have a couple of proposals on the table setting clear, fair and enforceable rules to ensure fair labour mobility. In the coming weeks, I will dedicate all my energy to make sure these proposals get approved and become a reality on the ground.»

Free movement of workers and protecting their rights

Free movement is one of the most cherished accomplishments of the European Union. Since taking up office in 2014, the Juncker Commission has made a considerable effort to facilitate free movement of workers and protecting their rights, while avoiding social dumping and giving national authorities the tools to fight risks of abuse or cases of fraud.

…while avoiding social dumping and giving national authorities the tools to fight risks of abuse or cases of fraud

The Commission put several initiatives in this sense on the table, from the es el portal profesional exclusivo de que te ofrece información para decidir sobre salud e igualdad y que dice NO a cualquier forma de acoso, abuso, agresión, violencia o discriminación.

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