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Cities more accessible for persons with disabilities

On 29 November 2019, the European Commission will reward the 10th winners of the Access City Award (first, second and third place prizes and up to four special mentions).
Once again, cities will be rewarded for their outstanding work in making their cities more accessible for persons with disabilities and elderly people.

Access City Award 2020 now open for applications! – Nominate your city for the 10th Access City Award 2020! – Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Cities will be rewarded for their outstanding work in making their cities more accessible for persons with disabilities

On 29 November 2019, the European Commission will reward the 10th winners of the Access City Award (first, second and third place prizes and up to four special mentions).

Once again, cities will be rewarded for their outstanding work in making their cities more accessible for persons with disabilities and elderly people.

To celebrate this great milestone, the European Commission will award a monetary prize to each of the first winners and the two runners-up as follows:

  • 1st prize: €150 000
  • 2nd prize: €120 000
  • 3rd prize: €80 000

Cities across the EU with over 50 000 inhabitants are eligible to apply. If a country has fewer than two cities with so many inhabitants, two or more smaller cities in the country can join to apply. If together they have more than 50 000 inhabitants, they can take part in the Access City Award too.

Cities across the EU with over 50 000 inhabitants are eligible to apply

Applications must be made by completing and submitting the online application form by 11 September 2019 (up until 23:59 Brussels time) at the latest.

A guidance note for applicants and the participation rules will be available on the official Access City Award website. Please read them carefully.

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